
Back MRI

Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging located in Montclair Village Plaza, Montclair, CA
Back MRI

Back MRI services located in Montclair Village Plaza, Montclair, CA

Consider a back MRI if you have chronic back pain that doesn’t improve with rest, ice, or over-the-counter medication. At Montclair Open MRI in Montclair, California, the team of board-certified radiologists uses back MRIs to assess and detect various musculoskeletal problems, including herniated discs, vertebral fractures, and congenital abnormalities. Call Montclair Open MRI today to schedule a back MRI appointment, or book your visit online.

Back MRI Q & A

What is a back MRI?


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure that uses a magnetic field, a computer, and radio waves to capture cross-sectional photos of your spine and surrounding tissues.

When is a back MRI necessary?

Montclair Open MRI uses MRI imaging to diagnose various conditions affecting the back, including the following:

  • Spine misalignment
  • Injuries to the bones, discs, ligaments, or spinal cord
  • Congenital abnormalities (e.g., kyphosis and scoliosis)
  • Compression of the spinal cord and nerves
  • Tumors in the vertebrae, nerves, or surrounding soft tissues
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Joint disease (e.g., arthritis)

There are many reasons you may need a back MRI, and your Montclair Open MRI technician will thoroughly explain the process of your scan. Patients can rest assured they are in good hands with the skilled providers. 

How do I prepare for a back MRI?

Back MRIs usually don’t require any special preparation. At Montclair Open MRI, the MRI technicians will instruct you on preparation for your specific scan prior to your appointment. At that time, you can ask any questions or address any concerns you may have. 

What happens during a back MRI?

Montclair Open MRI is one of the few radiology facilities in San Bernardino County with an open MRI machine. Open MRI units aren’t enclosed on the sides, making treatment more comfortable for patients with claustrophobia.

On the day of your MRI, you change into a hospital gown and lie down on a moveable exam table. 

Your Montclair Open MRI positions your body for the scans. Then, they place several electronic devices above and below your body parts to help capture the MRI images.

Your Montclair Open MRI technician leaves the room and uses a computer console to take several sequences of magnetic resonance images. The photos develop instantly, allowing your provider to make a diagnosis during the same visit.

What happens after a back MRI?

After a back MRI, no recovery period is necessary. You can return to work and other routine activities immediately after your visit. 

Call Montclair Open MRI today to schedule a back MRI or book your appointment online.